The C Fund
The C Fund is a Desjardins initiative designed to create quality jobs and stimulate economic development. It offers support in areas such as innovation, business succession, foreign market development, digital transformation, business model transformation and more.
To qualify for financial assistance, your project must fall under one of the following categories 9 components of the C Fund. We recommend that you contact a Center Desjardins Entreprises to check the eligibility of your project.
Digital transformation projects covered by the grant may include implementing a technological breakthrough, setting up a process to support future innovation in the organization, implementing secure online purchasing processes, putting in place effective cybersecurity measures, increasing online sales, transforming the business model, and so on.
Financial assistance can cover up to 25% of project costs, to a maximum of $10,000. To discover other projects and approaches covered by this grant, click here.

Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP)
Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) aims to help companies make the digital shift by improving their online presence and digitizing their business activities. It offers various grant opportunities for digital transformation and even grants for website creation.
The program is divided into two types of subsidy. The first one concerns the development of online commercial activities, i.e. e-commerce. The second one is about improving the company's technologies.
1. Government of Canada's Canadian Digital Adoption Program - Online Business Development Component
This pane subsidy is designed to help companies better serve their customers and attract new ones through e-commerce.
To be eligible for an e-business development grant, your company must be a registered or incorporated for-profit business. It must be consumer-facing, be accessible to customers or provide in-person services to customers, have at least one employee and commit to maintaining the digital adoption strategy for six months after the intervention.
Digital transformation projects covered by the grant :
The grant can cover various digital transformation projects, such as:
- Implementation of a digital e-commerce plan (online booking tools, online ordering system, electronic payments, etc.).
- Website search engine optimization
- Installation of an e-commerce platform
- Service solutions to support an e-commerce strategy
- Web advertising, etc.
You can click here to discover all the projects and approaches covered by this grant.
Financial assistance granted
Eligible businesses can receive a micro-grant of up to $2,400. Grants will be offered through local and regional service providers.
2. Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) - Business Technology Enhancement Component is a grant designed to help Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) adopt new digital technologies.
To be eligible to submit a technology enhancement application, companies must meet the following criteria :
- Be federally or provincially incorporated (or be a sole proprietor resident in Canada)
- Be a for-profit private company
- Have between 1 and 499 full-time equivalent employees
- Have annual revenues of at least $500,000 in one of the three previous fiscal years.
Digital transformation projects covered by the grant :
The grant can cover various digital transformation projects, such as :
- Developing a digital adoption plan
- Digital advisor services
- Acquisition of new technologies, etc.
You can click here to discover all the projects and approaches covered by this grant.
Financial assistance granted
The grant can cover up to 90% of eligible costs to hire a digital consultant, to a maximum of $15,000 per SME, to develop a digital adoption plan.
ESSOR program
The ESSOR program was set up to meet the financial needs of fast-growing companies. It aims to support the creation and growth of companies, by bringing investment projects to fruition, accelerating growth and productivity, and facilitating internationalization.
The program is divided into four parts, depending on the investment project, and offers a number of different subsidy options for digital transformation, which can be very attractive.
Who is eligible for the ESSOR program ?
For-profit companies that are legally constituted under the laws of the Government of Quebec or Canada, and that have an establishment operating in Quebec, as well as collective enterprises, are eligible for the program.
Which digital transformation projects can be covered by the grant ?
Several types of digital transformation projects can be covered by the ESSOR Program grant, such as:
- Digital diagnostics, digital plans and implementation plans;
- Implementation of an action plan and a digital plan;
- Various investment projects for company growth, including at least $100,000 in eligible expenses;
- And many more besides.
To discover all the projects and approaches covered by the four components of this grant, click here.

What financial assistance is available ?
The ESSOR program offers several financing options, depending on the project. Financial assistance can take the form of a non-repayable contribution of 50% of eligible expenses, up to a maximum of $100,000, a repayable contribution, a loan guarantee, an equity investment, and much more.
The best way to explore your options with the ESSOR Program is to contact an advisor who can guide you through the process.